Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Henry Doubleday Research Association Australia


Organic Gardening.


Henry Doubleday Research Australia

Do you wish to learn about :-
  • Organic gardening and farming methods
  • Being self sufficient
  • Sustainability 
  • Being environmentally friendly 
  •  Improving your health
  • Growing your own organic food
  • Reducing your food costs

The Henry Doubleday Research Association of Australia is made up gardeners and farmers who follow sustainable organic methods of growing crops and tending livestock.
"Pure Food" is our goal.
The Association aims to serve the needs of people concerned about contamination of food and the degradation of the environment and climate by current chemical based agriculture by providing education, information and first hand experience of organic gardening.
HDRA works to support progress towards increasing home garden production of organically grown vegetables and fruit.
HDRA provides its members and members of the public with training and experience with principles and practices that allow for more ecologically sustainable sound farming and gardening  methods. 

HDRA provides: 
  •  Onsite and offsite seminars on sustainable living.
  • Workshops and interactive learning in organic vegetable gardening.

  • Site tours of our gardens.

Benefits of membership include: 
  • Quarterly Newsletters filled with practical information and ideas.  
  • Access to an extensive library
  •  Access to Organic Seedbank
  •  Sharing practical knowledge with experienced organic gardeners and farmers.
  •   Access to Garden Club of Australia activities and events - HDRA is affiliated with GCA.

We meet every Tuesday and Saturday from 9.00am to approx. 3.00pm, when the Gardens are open for members and visitors, at The Hawkesbury EarthCare Centre in the grounds of UWS, Richmond.
Visitors Welcome during these times.


For further information regarding HDRA
President: Neil Hopper,

Email:  nrhopper@aapt.net.au

Secretary : Dick McNeill
P.O. Box 442
Richmond NSW 2753

Monday, 24 June 2013

Bread/Pizza Oven

The New Bread/Pizza Oven

Work in Progress


John is obviously very proud of all the work


Ready for test firing.
Test firing seems to be going well. At least Karen is happy about it.
Yes Jozef the smoke is coming out of the chimney as you expected.
All happy and content that it is going to be a raging success.

Friday, 31 May 2013

Great Day At Earthcare Fair

Great Day At Earthcare Fair


The committee did a great job with a with advertising and coordination. 

A big Thank You to Karen and all associated with the planning of the day.


We had our own "Special Guests".

The new Bread oven was a feature throughout the day.

The method of construction was a real talking point.

The baker, John, worked for many hours before and throughout the day.

HDRA was of course well represented and had a very successful day.

The kids had fun as well.

We had  great music throughout the day.


There was always a crowd listening as well.

The weather was wonderful. Just the day to sit have coffee and a chat.

The spinners also provided a little something extra on the day.

We also were well served by the UWS security who looked after us and directed traffic throughout the day.


Thanks to all who participated

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Henry Doubleday Research Association

Australia Inc

ABN 11 374 523 786

Postal Address - PO Box 442 Richmond NSW 2753
Looking out from the Mud Brick Centre to the Old Piggery.


Annual General Meeting  

Saturday, 9th February, 2013
1.00pm at the EARTHCARE CENTRE
A young member in the vegetable garden with his research paper.

Henry Doubleday Research Association Australia

Henry Doubleday Research Association of Australia Inc. was founded at Sahara Farm Kenthurst, Sydney, N.S.W. in March 1970. The Association is Australia wide and is made up of people who follow organic methods of gardening, farming and tending livestock.

Members are entitled to the quarterly journal "Natural Growing", seed bank of non-hybrid seeds, lending library and free advisory service. HDRA is located and has gardens at the EarthCare Centre, Cnr Campus Drive and Science Road, UWS Hawkesbury,  Richmond, NSW.

Link to 

Wikipedia for more historical information  Henry Doubleday Research Association UK

The Earthcare Centre  http://www.earthcare.org.au/

The Henry Doubleday Research Association  The HDRA and ATA at the Earthcare Centre

The Centre has a host of National and International Visitors.

As well as attracting keen interest from distant parts of the world the garden and the organic philosophy also involves an active group of students from the UWS campus who play an active role in the gardens and the centre itself.

Some of our active student members with our hardworking President sharing a break from the work.

Our Members also spread the word (and jam, seeds and potted plants)) at Fairs and special events around the area.